The Way To Secure Your Wordpress Blog

Just what is WordPress cloning and why is it an extremely useful tool? Most people think that this is a dishonest technique for duplicating sites to garner more link traffic and love, and while that may have been true (and useful!) Previously, this is an entirely different endeavor.

It helped me although my first step is. I had a fantastic old fashion pity party. I cried and railed against the evil hackers (that where probably 13 and smarter then me) And then I did what I should have done before I started my website. And here is where I would like you to start. Learn how to protect yourself before you get hacked. The beautiful thing about fix malware problem and why so many of us recommend because it is so easy to learn it is. Unfortunately, that is also a detriment to the health of our sites. We have to learn how to add a safety fence.

Protect your login credentials - Don't keep your login credentials where they might be found by a hacker. Store them off, and even offline. Roboform is for protecting them good . Food for thought!

Move your wp-config.php file one directory up from the WordPress root. WordPress will search for it if it cannot be found in the root directory. Also, nobody else will have the ability to read the document unless they have SSH or FTP access to your server.

Imagine if you visit WP-Content/plugins, can you see that folder? If so, upload this blank Index.html file into that folder as my response well so people can't see what plugins you might have. Someone can use that to get access because if your existing version of WordPress is current, if you are using a plugin or an old plugin using a security hole.

Do not use wp_ as a prefix for your databases. Web hosting providers are removing that default but if yours doesn't, fix wp_ to anything else but that.

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